Tuesday 3 February 2009

Mr Darwin, Mr Attenborough and God

I love the BBC natural world documentaries, especially those fronted by David Attenborough. His series over the years such as Planet Earth, Life on Earth and the Life of Birds have been amazing. I see the incredible world we live in and just can’t stop thanking God for the wonder of it all.

David Attenborough takes a different stance though. That was clear from the first week of his new series ‘Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life’. I’m sure Darwin is right as regards animals adapting and evolving, but then to argue- as David Attenborough did in just a few links at the end of the programme- that man is evolved from apes, is quite a leap of faith!

Just because man and apes share some DNA doesn’t mean we come from them. There is a missing link between apes and the supposed evolving of man. That link will never be found, because it doesn’t exist.

Look around at the world. Re-live the world by watching the many excellent BBC documentaries. And allow it to form in you a wonder for this world we live in. From the beauty of a snowflake to the vastness of the oceans. From the speed of a cheetah to the sloth of a …. sloth! God has made an amazing world.

I don’t know whether David Attenborough would call himself an atheist or an agnostic. What I do know is it takes much more faith to believe there is not a God, that this world came into existence by chance molecules, than to believe in a Creator.

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