Friday 5 December 2008

The Pain Barrier

A month ago I pulled my back- I mean REALLY pulled my back. I have been able to keep working, but only with almost addictive doses of painkillers.

Today, I managed a whole day without painkillers. Phew!….. on the mend.

Like most men, I’m a wimp when it comes to pain, but I have found the whole episode helpful in a way. When your body hurts, it’s easy to let it affect your mind. Or, at least it is for me. I can choose to have my whole day affected by pain, or I can work through it. I have found the added challenge of each day has actually had a beneficial side effect- the pain has forced me only to do what matters. It has caused me to think about what matters. I have had to fight through each day, and my mind has been all the sharper for it.

One of the best examples of dealing with pain in the Bible is Jacob’s story. (Genesis 32: 24-32). He fought God and as a result walked with a limp, leaning on a staff- a reminder of how much he relied on God for his very existence.

My pain will soon be gone and I won’t have a limp- but I trust I will be clearer on my priorities and less assuming of my health. (Only a few more trips to the physio!)

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