Friday 11 July 2008

Honouring the founder and the future

I’m just back from a Newfrontiers Christian conference down in Brighton. The keynote speaker, Mark Driscoll said something that I think has such a wisdom about it, not just for Newfrontiers, but for any organisation.

Mark spoke of the need to honour both the founder and the future. Too much honouring of the founder means the future gets forgotten. Too much honouring of the future means the founder gets shipwrecked. The two need to be in balance. In any organisation, there has to be recognition of what has been achieved and the pioneers who managed it. But there always needs to be a looking forward to the future. If there is not, the organisation will be short-lived.

The best leaders allow for succession- honouring the past, looking to the future.


Anonymous said...

Does he mean that you can Lord it over the men who have stood with you, been loyal and had strengths that made up for your weaknesses, and you can fire them at will when they become old, or just boring - but because you are the "founder," you deserve some special place of privilege and freedom from accountability? Nice.

Ralph Turner said...

Well I must admit I hadn't seen that possibility! That certainly wasn't the message from Mark Driscoll, but I agree you need to be sure you manage all the team and don't just drop them because the are not the 'founder'

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

Ralph Turner said...

Thanks. :-)