Friday, 8 February 2013

Lost party, lost country, lost way, lost mind

David Cameron has lost his party, lost his country, lost has way and lost his mind.
He’s lost his party. (Not that I mind- I don’t vote Tory). The Times records it as ‘Cameron Reels from Huge Revolt on Gay Vote’. 60% of his MP’s are at odds with him on the vote, with warnings from the party they may lose the next election because of it.
He’s lost his country. We are a cautious bunch, careful with change and protective of our roots. Our roots are Christian. Marriage is between one man and one woman. It’s been that way since we became the country we are today.
He’s lost his way. How can a gay marriage be consummated? How can a gay marriage be for ‘procreation’?  Is he really going to change the law and delete all the references to ‘husband and wife’?
He’s lost his mind. Usually pragmatic and clear thinking, he has been persuaded to move in a direction that cuts against all we are, all we have been and all we should be.

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