Friday, 11 May 2007

Goodbye Tony Blair

Yesterday, after over 10 years as Prime Minister, Tony Blair announced he was stepping down. The short-term headlines will be full of the disastrous decision to invade Iraq being his epitaph. However, history will be kinder and in 100 years from now, people will look back on one of the most successful Premierships in modern British history.

10 years has seen promises kept and many of the early aims and aspirations fulfilled. People are better off today than they were 10 years ago. Although we have yet to see the full effect, there are many new schools and hospitals, with significant amounts of money poured into both.

Northern Ireland has peace. Kosovo was not a blood bath because of Blair’s intervention. He caught the mood of the nation as it mourned for the ‘people’s princess’. He stood with dignity and determination against the atrocities of 7/11 and 7/7. His diplomatic skills achieved the London Olympics.

Our economy has remained stable and has grown faster than most in Europe. Despite the headlines, our relationship with the United States has ensured we have constantly punched above our weight in world affairs. We have successfully influenced the First World to give more to the Third World. Tony Blair has campaigned for Africa, ensuring debts have been removed and government giving increased. Because of the close relationship, Blair has been able to bring the United Sates to the discussion table on global warming- something that may well not have happened without that relationship with Clinton and Bush.

Tony Blair has been a conviction politician. He has led with his heart. Not always getting it right, he has maintained an integrity and a comparatively sleaze free government. His Christian convictions have brought substance to his political convictions- unlike many politicians, he believes what he says. We are better for his leadership.

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