As a writer, I’d hope to come up with a better description than ‘rolling’, but I think it’s the best I can do…. We have a ‘rolling’ Holy Spirit!
Let me explain what I mean….
I’ve noticed it a few times now, but it was most obvious at
our Revival Prayer meeting on Tuesday night. The presence of the Holy Spirit was
such that the majority of us were on the floor, weighed down by the Spirit’s
presence. But I got up and sat down for a while – which meant I was able to
observe what then happened.
Starting at the far side of the auditorium, the Holy Spirit started
to roll over the people. On the far side, many began to groan in the Spirit,
others cried out, some shook, or rolled on the floor. And as I watched, I saw
the Holy Spirit move over the congregation. From the far side to the middle. From
the middle to the near side. Each time, the effect of the Spirit was for those
feeling God’s presence to cry out, groan, laugh or shake.
And then I observed the same thing happen in reverse. The Holy
Spirit began to move over the room from the near side to the far side with a
repeat of the effects.
Something similar is recorded in the Charles Finney meetings
of the mid-1800s. And earlier still in the Methodist Circuit Revivals in ‘Wild
West’ America. Here’s a quote from an onlooker at the 1801 Cane Ridge Revival:
At one time I saw at least 500
swept down in a moment, as if a battery of a thousand guns had been opened upon
them, and there immediately followed shrieks and shouts that rent the very
I love that we are experiencing revival. Many healings. Many
salvations – 80 or so in the last two months in our meetings alone.
A dear friend who was part of the Pensacola revival in the mid-1990s
commented that what she is witnessing at Leicester is the first time she has
seen a Holy Spirit move in a similar way to Pensacola in the 25+ years she has been
in the UK.