Wednesday 9 February 2022


Last night at the revival meeting we had the privilege of praying for two pastors. One of them was planting a brand-new church in Leicester, having been called with others from the Southwest of England. This is so exciting! The more life-giving churches in Leicester, the higher the water level for all the churches.

It was good to see both pastors were well blessed as we prayed for them, and we trust they will carry what they caught.

It’s a funny thing but maybe 20 or 30 years ago, churches would not even speak to each other, let alone bless other leaders. It’s a sign of the work of the Holy Spirit. In the Azusa Street revival in 1906, the white pastor of the Baptist Church, Joseph Smale, willingly worked with the black pastor of Azusa Street, William Seymour. Two different styles and backgrounds would be harder to find, but when God moves….

Here at Chroma Leicester, the revival continues. The sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit is very real. We see many ‘floored’ by the Spirit, many breaking out in exuberant worship and dance, much laughter. At the youth group last week, there was a moment where teenagers knelt at the feet of Jesus, and as soon they did, God moved powerfully. Teenagers began to weep and fall more deeply in love with Jesus, many encountering Him for the first time.

In another meeting, someone tells of experiencing the power of God for the first time, saying they felt electricity go through them. Another young man describes going into an encounter that lasted almost a day. He had to be carried home and put to bed. God was touching him so powerfully, he was shaking all through the night.

May God continue to work in revival.

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