Friday 18 February 2011

Where Am I?

This is a story attributed to the great Reformer, Martin Bucer. He tells of a forgetful Rabbi.

Each morning the Rabbi would wake up and forget where he had put his clothes. It would literally take him all day to find them and put them on. And by the time he was dressed, it was time to go to bed again.

This was happening day after day. One day he had an idea. ‘Why not write down where I store my clothes and put the note by my bed?’ So he did.

The next morning, he saw the note and was able to dress straight away, with all of the rest of the day still ahead of him.

He looked around the room. ‘Now’, he said, ‘where am I?’

How many of us are so busy with ‘getting dressed’, doing the day to day chores of life without thinking too much of the more fundamental questions such as ‘where am I’?

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