Thursday 9 September 2010

Stephen Hawking needs to start reading poetry

Stephen Hawking’s new book comes out today. In earlier books, he has left room for the possibility that there is a God. In his new book, he has decided creation is the inevitable consequence of physics, so rules out the ‘need for a creator’.

Science is amazing. We discover so much. People like Stephen Hawking have done wonders for pushing back the limits of our thinking. But he is still not thinking in big enough terms.

When the Hubble Telescope was launched, one of the team looked into space at stars that had never been seen before. This is what he said as he gazed on the hidden wonders of creation:

“We don't need a scientist here, we need a poet.”

Stephen Hawking needs to start reading poetry.


Mike Hartley said...

Hi Ralph,

Don't know if you've seen J Johns article on this -

A very interesting viewpoint and discussion :)

God Bless,

Ralph Turner said...

Thanks Mike, I hadn't read this. A great article.