Tuesday 26 August 2008

Mountain climbed!

A great two weeks in the Lake District. Except for the weather. Any ‘sun tan’ is actually rust!

Appropriate to my blog, Roh and I actually climbed a few mountains. The photo is me at the top of Ullock Pike, having just got through a hail storm to get there!

We followed the Alfred Wainwright guides for the most part. A remarkable man, he walked, wrote about and drew every mountain, hill and fell in the Lakes. His books continue to sell, even though they were written over 50 years ago now.

He has a nice line in book dedications and his book on the North Western Fells is dedicated to ‘those unlovely twins, my right leg and my left leg, staunch supporters that have carried me about for over half a century, endured much without complaint and never once let me down’.

I trust that as I continue to climb mountains, both metaphorical and literal, my legs, heart, mind and spirit will continue to be my staunch supporters!


Holli said...

Even with the fog it is BEAUTIFUL! We are hoping to get to the lakes SOON!

Ralph Turner said...

You'll enjoy the Lakes Holli. We went to the Northern end, which is a bit less 'touristy', but it's all very beautiful!