Monday 19 May 2008

Coffee with Ahmed and Ali the Iranians

Another day, another coffee.

I first came across the Iranian freedom movement when I met an Iranian businessman in London, whose wife had been buried alive by the current regime. How can I not respond to that?

This week I had coffee with Ahmed and Ali (names changed). Ahmed had returned to Iran with his wife a few years back in order to try and help the country in any way they could. One day Ahmed’s wife was returning from school where she was a teacher. She saw a disturbance and went over to look. At that moment the police arrived and arrested everybody, including Ahmed’s wife.

It took him three months to get permission to see her. By the time he did, she had lost half her body weight and her face was blue from bruising. They were torturing her, as one of the ‘educated elite’, so despised by the authorities. They were trying to get her to admit to crimes she had not committed. She refused to do so. Ahmed’s father and mother-in-law tried to bribe the authorities in order to secure release. This seemed to have worked as after about six months, Ahmed got a call to ask him to collect his wife.

He was kept waiting in the prison reception a long time and was eventually shown in to a room. There were dead bodies across the floor. All had been executed. He had been contacted in order to collect his wife’s body.

Ahmed is now in the West, working for freedom in Iran. My money may help a little. I trust my prayers will help more.

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