Monday, 26 December 2022

God's Glory

On Christmas day, the new James Webb telescope brought us some amazing images from space. The picture at the top is just one of them. This is the Cartwheel Galaxy. First discovered in the 1940s, it has a diameter of about 145,000 light years. One light-year is about 6 trillion miles.

The second image, below, is from one of the best magnifying glasses. It shows crystals of the adrenaline hormone. Infinitesimally small. The smallest units of life are quarks. How to describe their size? It would take one-hundred million atoms lined up together to make one inch in length. Now imagine Wembley Stadium in London as representing the size of one atom. Now go to the centre circle of the football pitch and pick up one grain of soil. That’s the nucleus of an atom. Then divide that nucleus into 1,000 tiny specks and one of these specks is the size of a quark.

I find it hard to understand how anyone cannot have a faith in God when we look at creation. As C S Lewis said, ‘nature gave the word “glory” a meaning for me’.

Big and small. What a creator God we have.