Friday, 4 March 2022


Are you ready?

The picture is captured from a promo by Chroma Church for my preach on Sunday. The text says it all. Are you ready?

We are in the early days of revival. What we are experiencing in Leicester can be caught. It should be caught – we don’t want to keep it to ourselves!

So, are you ready? Are you willing to put yourself out for revival? If you are within reach of Leicester, are you willing to travel, to catch the fire, to take it with you, back to your church, back to your town or city?

It’s been great to welcome visitors to our Sunday meetings and our Tuesday revival prayer nights. It’s been a privilege to have numbers of church leaders with us. But the prayer is for more - that as many as possible come and take what God is doing in Leicester back to where they are.

That requires a willingness not just to travel, but faith and expectiation to believe. Revival history is littered with well meaning folk who question what God is doing and therefore miss out. Don’t be one of them.

Are you ready?

(If you prefer listening to reading, here’s a link to Sunday’s talk. It takes you through what has happened so far and deals especially with the work God has been doing in Leicester, along with some of the prophetic words over the city. The talk is at the 1 hour 2 minutes mark)